Miss Teal Stripe Miss Yellow Stripe Miss Purple Stripe Miss Orange Stripe Mr. Red Miss Brown Stripe Mr. Blue Miss Pink Stripe
Cream Black Dark Apricot Black Light Apricot Dark apricot Black Black
11 oz. 10.5 oz 8.5 oz 10.5 oz 8.5 oz 9 oz 8.5 oz 8 oz
Puppies are born with their eyes and ears closed, so they cannot see or hear. They rely on their sense of smell to find their Momma and her milk. They spend their days the first week just eating and resting.
Week 1
At Week 1 the puppies spend their days eating and resting. Their eye and ears are still closed. When puppies are born they cannot see or hear, so they rely on their sense of smell to find their Momma and her milk.
Week 2
This second week of life brings great changes for the puppies. Their ears and eyes, sealed since birth, begin to open, or will open soon. This gives them a new sense of their world. They learn what their mother and other dogs look and sound like, and they begin to expand their own vocabulary from grunts and mews to yelps, whines and barks.
Week 3
In week 3 the puppies are rapidly changing in their physical and sensory development. They are beginning to be less dependent on their momma and learning more about their environment. They are starting to be able to control their need to potty and begin moving away from where they sleep to eliminate.
Miss Brown Stripe 2 lb. 10.5 oz.
Miss Pink Stripe 1 lb. 5.5 oz.
Miss Teal Stripe 2 lb. 14 oz.
Mr. Blue 2 lb. 7.5 oz.
Miss Orange Stripe 1 lb.3 oz.
Miss Purple Stripe 2 lb. 4.5 oz.
Miss Yellow Stripe 2 lb. 15 oz.
Mr. Red 2 lb. 2 oz.
Week 5
In week 5 the puppies are experiencing a lot of new things and learning by exploring, chasing and playing. They are curious but cautious. During this time they are also starting to learn manners from their mom.
Miss Brown Stripe 4 lb.
Miss Pink Stripe 2 lb. 2.4 oz.
Miss Teal Stripe 4 lb. 5 oz.
Mr. Blue 3 lb. 14.5 oz.
Miss Orange Stripe 2 lb. .05 oz.
Miss Purple Stripe 3 lb. 10 oz.
Miss Yellow Stripe 4 lb. 11 oz.
Mr. Red 3 lb. 4 oz.
Week 6
Emmy's puppies continue to learn and experience new things. Now they are using the ramp to go out of the house and play in the yard. They love to be outside now that it is cooler!
Miss Brown Stripe 4 lb. 09 oz.
Miss Pink Stripe 2 lb. 12 oz.
Miss Teal Stripe 5 lb. 09 oz.
Mr. Blue 4 lb. 13.5 oz.
Miss Orange Stripe 2 lb. 7.5 oz.
Miss Purple Stripe 4 lb. 7.5 oz.
Miss Yellow Stripe 5 lb. 01 oz.
Mr. Red 3 lb. 12 oz.
Week 7
The puppies are continuing to develop - interacting with their siblings, meeting new people, learning to play and investigating new things all occupied this week. The are eating puppy food exclusively. They are transitioning to little dogs from puppies! Learning to interact with strangers is a big step.