Hazzards for our Labradoodles
Please review the list of potential poisons below and make sure guests in your home are aware as well. Do not leave anything on the counter or table when the dog is not supervised, many owners have been shocked to discover just how far their dog can reach or jump to get that wonderful smelling treat.
If your dog ingests any of these items, large quantities of a non-poisonous food or a non-edible object (think sock, leash, plastic toy, etc.) go to your vet or emergency clinic as soon as possible, WITHIN THE HOUR! DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE OF THINKING IT IS OK TO WAIT AND "LET NATURE TAKE ITS COURSE." LEFT UNTREATED, THE DOG MAY DIE OF POISONING OR DEVELOP BLOAT OR A BOWEL OBSTRUCTION -- BOTH ARE LIFE THREATENING CONDITIONS!
If your dog ingests any of these items, large quantities of a non-poisonous food or a non-edible object (think sock, leash, plastic toy, etc.) go to your vet or emergency clinic as soon as possible, WITHIN THE HOUR! DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE OF THINKING IT IS OK TO WAIT AND "LET NATURE TAKE ITS COURSE." LEFT UNTREATED, THE DOG MAY DIE OF POISONING OR DEVELOP BLOAT OR A BOWEL OBSTRUCTION -- BOTH ARE LIFE THREATENING CONDITIONS!
- Alcoholic beverages
- Apple seeds
- Apricot seeds
- Avocados
- Cherry seeds
- Chocolate
- Coffee including grounds and beans
- Garlic
- Grapes and Raisins (small amounts have caused death in some dogs)
- Hops (used in home beer brewing)
- Macadamia nuts
- Moldy or spoiled food
- Mushroom plants
- Mustard seeds
- Onions or onion powder
- Peach pits
- Potato leaves or stems
- Rhubarb leaves
- Salt
- Sugarless candy and gum containing Xylitol
- Tea
- Tomato leaves and stems
- Walnuts
- Yeast dough
- Other items that are Poisonous to your Dog
- Warm Weather Hazards
- Animal toxins: toads, insects, spiders, snakes and scorpions
- Blue-green algae in ponds
- Citronella candles
- Cocoa mulch
- Compost piles fertilizers
- Flea products
- Outdoor plants and plant bulbs
- Swimming-pool treatment supplies
- Fly baits containing methomyl
- Slug and snail baits containing metaldehydeMedication
- Garlic
- Grapes and Raisins (small amounts have caused death in some dogs)
- Hops (used in home beer brewing)
- Macadamia nuts
- Moldy or spoiled food
- Mushroom plants
- Mustard seeds
- Onions or onion powder
- Peach pits
- Potato leaves or stems
- Rhubarb leaves
- Salt
- Sugarless candy and gum containing Xylitol
- Tea
- Tomato leaves and stems
- Walnuts
- Yeast dough
Warm Weather Hazards
- Animal toxins: toads, insects, spiders, snakes and scorpions
- Blue-green algae in ponds
- Citronella candles
- Cocoa mulch
- Compost piles fertilizers
- Flea products
- Outdoor plants and plant bulbs
- Swimming-pool treatment supplies
- Fly baits containing methomyl
- Slug and snail baits containing metaldehyde
Common examples of human medications that can be potentially lethal to pets, even in small doses, include:
- Ibuprofen, aspirin
- Acetaminophen
- Cold medicines
- Anti-cancer drugs
- Antidepressants
- Vitamins
- Diet pills
- Antifreeze
- Liquid potpourri
- Ice melting products
- Rat and mouse bait
- Common Household Hazards
- Fabric softener sheets
- Mothballs
- Post-1982 pennies (due to high concentration of zinc)
- Batteries
- Bread twist ties
- Cotton swabs
- Christmas tree water (may contain fertilizers and bacteria, which, if ingested, can upset the stomach)
- Electrical cords
- Ribbons or tinsel (can become lodged in the intestines and cause intestinal obstruction -- most often occurs with kittens!)
- Batteries
- Glass ornaments
The following substances are considered to be nontoxic, although they may cause mild gastrointestinal upset in some animals:
- Water-based paints
- Toilet bowl water
- Silica gel
- Poinsettia
- Cat litter
- Glue traps
- Glow jewelry
- Sago Palm
- Lilies
- Tulip/Narcissus bulbs
- Azalea/Rhododendron
- Oleander
- Castor Bean
- Cyclamen
- Balanchine
- Yew
- and during Holiday time ~ Poinsettia
- Ibuprofen, aspirin
- Acetaminophen
- Cold medicines
- Anti-cancer drugs
- Antidepressants
- Vitamins
- Diet pills
- Antifreeze
- Liquid potpourri
- Ice melting products
- Rat and mouse bait
- Common Household Hazards
- Fabric softener sheets
- Mothballs
- Post-1982 pennies (due to high concentration of zinc)
- Batteries
- Bread twist ties
- Cotton swabs
- Christmas tree water (may contain fertilizers and bacteria, which, if ingested, can upset the stomach)
- Electrical cords
- Ribbons or tinsel (can become lodged in the intestines and cause intestinal obstruction -- most often occurs with kittens!)
- Batteries
- Glass ornaments
- Nontoxic Substances for Dogs and Cats
The following substances are considered to be nontoxic, although they may cause mild gastrointestinal upset in some animals:
- Water-based paints
- Toilet bowl water
- Silica gel
- Poinsettia
- Cat litter
- Glue traps
- Glow jewelry
- Sago Palm
- Lilies
- Tulip/Narcissus bulbs
- Azalea/Rhododendron
- Oleander
- Castor Bean
- Cyclamen
- Balanchine
- Yew
- and during Holiday time ~ Poinsettia